Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Mom Fail: Eating Habits

I did everything right when it came to food and my son was little. Turns out, it didn't really matter. I made him a wide variety of foods, he ate what we ate, including chicken, spinach, fish, all of it. When he was small he ate whatever I cooked, and I was so proud of myself. I used to watch the Pediasure commercials with the picky kids and think to myself in a snarky tone "OR, you could just feed your child a balanced, healthy diet".
Then it happened. Somewhere between the ages of 3 and 4, my son decided that he would prefer to exist on pasta with Parmesan cheese alone. I would have to hide the parm in the back of the fridge or he would take the whole block and eat it. Suddenly, I went from having a child with a sophisticated palate to one who only wanted pasta. I'm not sure how or why it happened, but there was that feeling in my gut that said "FAIL".
When I took him to the doctor for his five year check, he had not gained a single pound in a year. "Pediasure" my doctor said, and the reality that I really had failed kicked in. The worst part about this is that I don't know what to do. The Pediasure is working, he gained 3 pounds in under a month, but that cannot be the long term solution. I try new recipes, but he seems to misunderstand the difference between not liking something and not feeling like it. As soon as I find something he loves, he will eat it for a day, then decide he hates it. I don't believe in the "clean plate club"; however, at some point I think I need to buckle down, cook dinner, and if he doesn't like it too bad. I don't want to starve my child, but I think he needs to learn that he has to eat something other than pasta. He tells me "We always need to try new things, and maybe we will like the way they taste" yet seems to forget that as soon as I set dinner down in front of him. When he starts school next year, heaven only knows what I will put in his lunchbox, a topic I am trying to prepare him for, only to be met with "Plain pasta". I can't help but feel like a failure in one of the most basic areas of parenting, that being feed your child. Any advice?


  1. Maybe try sneaking other foods into pasts. Get one of those cookbooks that give you recipes. Like seinfelds wife book

  2. I say use the Pediasure and just relax for the time being, his weight is going up and he's getting the nutrients he needs, even if it is in liquid form. I have yet to hear anyone tell me their teenage son doesn't eat anything other than plain pasta, so I'd go with the "this too shall pass". Keep offering other foods and if the pasta is the only thing he'll eat for the time being, well, that's what Pediasure is for :) Soon enough he'll be eating you out of house and home and you'll be blogging about how you miss the days when feeding him was as simple as boiling some noodles, I promise!

  3. My Ryan is a lot like your son. He only eats what he likes. It's very frustrating and he's only gained 1 lb. since last April. I put in front of him what I cook and he can either eat it or go hungry. Sounds harsh, but I don't make multiple meals. It's all a game with my son. He wants to see our reactions. If we don't make a big deal out of it, then he usually will eat a little. If we beg and plead with him to eat, he usually won't touch it. I have my good moments and bad moments. I pack good, healthy lunches for him on the 2 days he goes to preschool. He usually eats well there. Like I said, I've noticed it's mostly a show with him. He'll eat for others just fine, except when Mommy is around. He's doing fine, growing well. Hang in there. I know exactly where you're coming from.

  4. Kelly, my son is the same way! If I am not around, he will eat a variety of foods. I am wondering if it is all a game, since I usually give in. Thanks for your input!
